Our duvet line for the little ones: Baby Duvet in feather down Dear Deer 100% cotone. Trapuntina in piumino. Dear Deer 100% cotone. Trapuntina in fibra e biancheria. Petit 100% cotone. Copri piumini, piumini e …
Eiderdown / Duvets
Duvet textile hygiene treatment based on silver
Iglù Scudo duvet is made with Silver on textile, the anti-microbial hygiene treatment based on silver avoids the checkless multiplication of bacteria on the textile surface. The natural balance of the skin flora is not …
Iglù Line – Down Duvets
The duvets with quilted square construction, is available into different fillings, textiles, sizes and models: È It is available in the versions: Padding from Europe – Northern Europe. WINTER – IGLÙ WIN EiderDown Duvets with …
Artide Line – Down Duvets
The “Artide” line is one of the warmest duvets available. With its special “coffered” construction of internal compartments, the filling remains evenly distributed, with a deepness of 3 cm, even near the stitching. The best …
RIG re generation Line
Regenerated materials for a sustainable production and consumption Range of products made with regenerated yarns fibers.The down and feather fillings come from recycled and reconditioned material.The new selection, washing and sterilization cycle made with certified …
EiderDowns and Duvets production, sales from Trentino/South Tyrol
Secondo lo stile nordico il piumino da utilizzare con il copri piumino e’ sicuramente il modo piu’ pratico per dormire. Basta un semplice gesto per avere il letto sempre in ordine. Grazie all’utilizzo dei migliori …
BiOrganic fabric EiderDowns
Cotton fiber Duvets and Quilts
Nuova linea in casa Hammerfest, un nuovo modo di vestire il letto affianca quello tradizionale in piumino e apre un panorama nuovo, innovativo, giovane e attento ai materiali.Da sempre per vestirci e coprirci preferiamo prodotti …
Line for Interior Designers – Round and shaped duvets and quilts
The quilts represent a traditional and typical style of the Italian sleeping system. Hammerfest has been able to embellish them with the highest quality padding. He then transformed and adapted them to the most innovative …
EiderDowns / Down Duvets
The best quality feathers and down come from geese and ducks, as they have outstanding protective heat-regulating properties. The structure of the feathers and down creates air cells with an insulating effect, producing “clothing for …